Poems For You….

Candle In My Heart

As wind batters my body,
Rain drenches my soul,
And night comes faster than ever before,
I sit here with a lighted candle in my heart,
Hoping that you will come back,
From wherever you are,
Even though you are nowhere to be found.

Beyond Love

I have seen you in my dreams,
Way before I saw you first,
And the moment you appeared in my life,
I carved you in my heart,
Even though it took several years for me to complete that puzzle,
I know you are the one that I have been waiting for,
You are beyond love.

Last Breath

All these years, I didn’t show you
The love that I have for you
All these years, I didn’t tell you
That all I want is you,
But when I hear about all the chaos happening everywhere,
All I want is to take my last breath in your hands, and I’m not going anywhere.


Nights always come with hope,
Hope to see you again,
As I can reach you through my dreams,
Dreams that take me closer to you.


What can I do when all the seasons remind me of you?
When each and every moment feels like a lifetime without you,
When wind whispers your name in my ears,
When the moon reminds me of your face,
What can I do when all the seasons remind me of you?


While I walk alone with hopeful heart and teary eyes,
I find my peace in the belief that we are under the same sky,
And you gaze at the same moon as I.


It’s raining outside and it is raining inside,
But there is hope for rainbow, right?
It’s dark outside, and it is dark inside,
But the sun will rise tomorrow, right?
So, unveil those clouds,
And show me your face, my sunshine.


A single touch of yours was enough for me to bloom,
To understand the true meaning of love,
And no matter how far you are from me now,
You will always be in my heart,
Because our souls are entwined.


I dream about a place where the sky is blue,
Where there are hills and valleys,
Where shepherds herd their sheep without a fear of wolves,
Where we hold each others hands,
Where we can create a small world,
A place full of love and no hatred around us at all.


It is hard when we are caught up in the storm,
A wind so powerful that can break us down,
Each drop of rain feels like a pelt with stones,
But as long as I have hope in our love,
I will keep my spirits high,
And I will fly through the eye of the storm.


When the cold winds blow, snow falls, and my body can only freeze,
When the torrential rains flood my life giving me uncertainty,
When the dark nights creep into my mind with no moon in sight,
I hold onto my heart,
Because it has your love, my talisman, my sunshine


A Day Out

It was a perfect day yesterday to have an outing with my daughter and to mark the end of summer. We went to London to see it through the London eye, made friends with Shrek, Pinocchio, Cindrella, and Snowwhite and then dived ourselves to be a part of Sealife.

London Eye

If you are afraid of heights, try this!

Shrek Adventure

If you have children or you still have a child in your heart, I would highly recommend this. I really enjoyed this adventure of finding the ogre, Shrek. My daughter says that I’m the most kiddish mama in the world, and to be honest, I take that as a compliment! I don’t have any pictures to post as we were really busy saving ourselves from the witches who were chasing us and finding Shrek to protect us.

Sealife Aquarium

If you love sealife and can’t swim or dive, then it is the best place to be. We can learn about different varieties of sealife creatures and enjoy their wonderful presence too. I just really hope that one day I will be able to dive into the deep sea to meet them in their natural habitat. It is so peaceful and therapeutic.

I don’t know who enjoyed the most, me or my daughter but we had a great time together…


Vote for “Author Of The Month”

I’m happy to announce that I have been nominated along with the other 6 authors for the title of “Author of the Month” for August by Spillwords.

Voting for the “Author of The Month” will take place through the following page:


The General Voting period will officially take place from 26/8/23 to 29/8/23. Please remember that you will need to register and/or log in to cast your vote.

I have attached the link for my page if you would like to read my poems. I hope that you will enjoy them.



The Kite

I’m delighted to announce that my fourth poem has been selected and published in Spillwords. I wrote this poem around two years ago and is related to the importance of letting go so that we can give happiness to others and find one in ourselves.

I have attached the link to Spillwords.com if you would like to read it. I hope that you will enjoy it.

The Kite


The Hummingbird

In a golden cage
Little hummingbird
With clipped wings
And fettered by its owner
Until she saw him
Fluttering around the cage
Trying to break the chains
Sharing the nectar
A beautiful reminder
Of love, hope and life.


Once full of life,
It gave lives to many,
Sunshine was its friend,
Who used to put happiness on its face,
And breeze its companion,
With whom it loved to dance.
Then the time changed,
Starting to change its colour,
Was the first sign of ageing,
Now the sunshine was nomore tender,
And the breeze transformed into storm.
Disgraced and battered,
It fell on the ground,
Lying there,
It was stepped by many,
But it took that chance to leave an imprint,
On their path forever.


A Turtle That Couldn’t Swim…

My 7 year old daughter told me a story recently. She is really good in making up stories and comes up with something new very often. Now this one was about a turtle which couldn’t swim. The story goes like this…..

Once, there lived a turtle on a rock near to the pond. He used to cry everyday looking at the water. One day, a crow saw him crying and asked the reason. He said that he is a turtle but cannot swim. This makes him sad and that is why he is crying. Then the crow said, “I can only teach you fly, sorry.” After saying that the crow flew away.

After a few days, one of the fishes in the pond saw him crying. Fish asked him about the reason for being so sad. He said, “I’m a turtle but I cannot swim.” Fish said, “You cannot swim because you are not trying enough. You just sit on the rock and cry all day. That is not going to make you swim. You need to try harder.” Listening to that, he became sadder and started to cry louder.

Then, one day, he saw a happy tortoise walking slowly near the pond nibbling flowers and leaves. At that moment, he realised that he couldn’t swim because he was not a turtle, he was a tortoise!

The story is short and simple. But, it has a huge lesson to give us. It’s about self awareness. We will be crying all our lives thinking about all the things that we cannot do or we don’t have if we don’t know exactly who we are just like that tortoise who thought it was a turtle. With self awareness, we learn our own strengths and weaknesses which in turn helps in our own development.

This story, also teaches us that unless we help ourselves no-one can help us in understanding the real us. Our family, friends, neighbours and colleagues can only give their own views and perceptions about us which may not be true. The act of gaining self awareness may take time and energy as you will have to go through a lot of reflection and introspection but it is worth it for all good reasons.

I don’t know how a 7 year old can come up with something like this, but, she surprises me everyday. And I’m, just a proud mom.


The Wanderer

Wanderer, what do you seek?
Walking alone all your life,
Is it the purpose behind your existence?
Is it the truth which is buried in the dark?
Or,that intense love that lives forever?

Wanderer, what do you seek?
While you roam from one place to another,
With blind eyes and closed heart,
Your purpose was right in front of you,
All the way along.

Wanderer, what do you seek?
Are you running from all the lies that trouble you?
The truth can never be tampered or hidden forever,
And when the time arrives, it will be in plain sight,
Staring right on your face.

Wanderer, what do you seek?
Is that the love that you have always longed for?
The love that makes you to cross the oceans and boundaries,
It's in your heart and it always has been,
That love is unconditional and no one can take it from you.

So wanderer tell me, what do you seek now?